Exhibition:Kengo Kuma: a LAB for materials
Saturday, March 3 - Sunday, May 6, 2018
Tokyo Station Gallery
Photo & travelogue by Professor Huang, Chun Ming
Quoted from https://www.facebook.com/al.huang.71
2018 Learning away from home to Japan program
4th Year Studio - Case Study
With enormous projects inside and outside Japan, world-class architect Kengo Kuma (b. 1954) is constantly on the move. This exhibition is a major survey of his projects from the past 30 years, projects underpinned by Kuma's intimate knowledge of Eastern and Western thought, both past and present, and his own innovative concepts, which include his ideas on “makeru kenchiku (defeated architecture)” and “shizen na kenchiku (natural architecture).” The exhibition focuses in particular on materials, which Kuma has dialoged with extensively through his work, and is organized by category of primary material, including bamboo, wood, paper, stone and earth. It attempts to provide an overview of Kuma's work from the standpoint of “things.” The liberation of “things,” it is proposed, creates the possibility of an architecture that mediates between human sensibility and awareness and the larger environment.
隈研吾作品展 2018
旅記 黃俊銘老師
2018 中原大學建築系大四設計課 移地教學 參訪案例
# 策展內容與手法傑出
# 看完會一改對隈研吾建築裝飾的看法
# 系統性的實驗與挑戰建築材料與構法
# 建構隈研吾材料構築系統之樹