倫敦-蘇格蘭之旅 2018
Day8 格拉斯哥 Glasgow
旅記 詹任偉 Ren Wei Jan

Day8 2018.9.26  Glasgow 
飯店附近即是Glasgow大學,也是麻瓜鄒欣樺最想要去的地方,Glasgow 大學不管是建築、歷史、知名校友、學術研究等都有相當地位,知名校友著有國富論的Adam Smith 與改良蒸汽機帶動工業革命的瓦特,兩位亦是20鎊與50鎊紙鈔上的人物,可見其在歷史上的重要性。
滿足麻瓜需求之後,轉向現代建築女爵Zaha設計的Riverside museum ,內部主要展示交通運輸相關,算是我們比較少參觀的博物館類型,除了內部空間設計令人驚艷之外,內部展品也相當有趣,有不少學生來此校外教學。

下午預約了The Willow Tea下午茶,旅程已經過半才第一次品嚐英式下午茶,裡頭的司康是有生以來吃過最好吃的,不過甜點我實在沒轍,最上面一層的餅乾只能淺嚐兩口就飽到一個不行,餐後就近逛街,也到喬治廣場晃晃,再一路欣賞市景走回飯店,晚餐就嘗試在台灣比較少機會吃到的印度菜,聽說英國的中東及印度料理都相當有水準,google上的評分也有4.5分,果然讓人相當滿意。

The Willow Tea Rooms — Established 1983
The story of the Willow Tea Rooms and our owner Anne Mulhern’s inspiration began a long, long time ago…Kate Cranston, the famous Glasgow Tea Room Entrepreneur, and one of Mackintosh’s biggest supporters, was born in her father’s hotel in George Square, Glasgow in 1849. The Cranston family were avid supporters of the temperance movement and Kate’s brother Stuart gets the credit for opening the first Tea Room anywhere. He was a tea merchant and his enthusiasm for his product led him to having a kettle on hand in his shop to provide samples for his customers.Stuart then hit upon the idea of charging for this and set up some tables and chairs in the premises. He began selling cups of tea with the optional extra of cakes. The idea proved lucrative and soon Tea Rooms were sprouting up all over the city.
Taking inspiration from her brother, Kate decided to open her own Tea Rooms business. She had a total of four in Glasgow, Argyle Street, Ingram Street, Buchanan Street and Sauchiehall Street. The Tea Rooms were an immediate success, partly due to Kate’s own distinctive character. A compassionate employer, Kate visited the homes of the girls who worked for her, ran a compulsory insurance scheme and made sure they all had three meals a day, a great perk given that many of the staff came from large poor families.Although a touch old fashion and eccentric in her dress sense, Kate was the opposite in her business decisions. She used two relatively unknown designers at that time, George Walton and Charles Rennie Mackintosh – both of whom ensured that the Tea Rooms were truly unique, the interiors being critically acclaimed in the newspapers and art magazines of the day.
Coming back to today….Anne opened the Willow Tea Rooms in 1983, expanded to Buchanan Street in 1997 and into Watt Brothers in 2016.Over the years we have also been lucky enough to be offered other great opportunities for the Willow Tea Rooms, we have been part of tea ceremonies in Japan and Springfest at Loch Lomond – where we went to for a weekend and stayed for 6 months!One thing that has been consistent over our years in business is that all our visitors want a quality product, locally sourced, homemade and home baked and our menus today reflect this.  As well as our traditional menu, our Miss Cranston’s Free From Menu caters has a great range of gluten free, vegan and vegetarian options.Our afternoon teas are unique!  They are available all day – so if you fancy afternoon tea at 9.30 or a tasty breakfast at 3.00 pm then we are the place for you!