第1回楊瑞禎建築師紀念設計獎 佳作獎作品 Honorable Mention
死的況味  The Circumstance of Death
設計者:林煒庭/ 淡江大學 建築系
作品時間:2017 畢業設計
第1回 楊瑞禎建築師紀念設計獎 參加作品編號034
“ Observing Ourselves being Observed”
- 節錄自傅柯談Diego Velazquez的作品「Las Meninas」
1975年雷蒙.穆迪(Raymond Moody)草創了「瀕死經驗」 (N.D.E.)這個名詞。他歸納出幾個主要過程。包括了脫體感、通道區域、進入黑暗空間、不尋常的光、異常視覺與聽覺(distraction)、走到邊界(border)、時間感混淆等。 穆迪總結:「瀕死經驗將消除了人們對死亡的恐懼。」
Here, circumstance can be referred as a thought, a scenery, an emotion, a state, or a condition that connected with or relevant to an event or action.
About the statement of dying people talked, you will be affected by subversive ideas whatever you already recognize — “ Time is non-linear. ” Therefore, people, objects, events, spaces should be separated and misplaced, and the relationship of architecture elements should be deconstructed and constructed of different axis of time.
「 在生的正中央,一切的一切都繞著死為中心而旋轉著。」
Italo Calvino在《看不見的城市》中告訴我們「 死亡的不是已經消失不再存在,死亡是一個現存的範疇與領域,散佈在城市、言語和實際的日常生活之中。」並也談到「 死亡不僅是時間的斷續,也是空間的隔離。」都市中隱含的日常正是包含著已死為中心的生,不停環繞著,而這之中如何去談論那層平衡卻危險的狀態,引用的是near-death-experience(N.D.E.)所描述的幾近死亡狀態的經驗,以此作為腳本,尋找日常城市中能與之對談的異質經驗,原有的景況為「在生 ( 活 ) 的狀態」,文化符號與維度空間轉換後,重新組構生的狀態,我將它稱之為「死的況味」。
種種有趣的事正在被監視 直到死的那刻播放出來
1. Anachronic process 斷續的時間和隔離的空間以多維樣貌存在
2. Superimposition 異象同符號的重構,同符號性卻不相同意象的疊合
3. The true illusion 真實與須向的非線性傳遞路徑散佈在都市之中
藉由瀕死經驗對空間感知的研究、文學藝術對死的刻畫,這個設計以生死概念所觸動的多維轉化空間,來討論都市中符號與功能所隱含的衝突與矛盾。 企圖帶給觀者的是無法辨識的時間,和無法看清的循環關係;藉由思想遺囑,脫開日常思緒,把人的思考與反應推向極限,藉而進入經驗死的time frame。觀者將在這個遺囑收藏館閱讀他人遺言、撰寫自己的遺囑、窺視他人行為、檢視前一刻的自己、捉模時間的定義、辨識真偽與意義、觀看他者並被觀看。
I want to bring the viewer the time can not be identified, and unusual cycle relationships. Through the will, let people take away the daily thoughts, and take thinking and reaction ability to the limit. And then into the experience of dead time frame.
The viewer will read the other's will in the collection of wills, write his own will, peek at the behavior of others, examine the moment before, define the time of the moment, identify the authenticity and meaning, watch the other and watched by the other.
Here, the death is not exactly the death of real life, but the break of the consciousness. The time we perceive is not physical, logical or linear time, but the flow of the internal consciousness.
Maybe, The most approaching essence of death can be fragmenting, stagnating, discontinuing, nonlinear.
The life only die in a three-dimensional space, however can still flow in four-dimensional space unceasingly