2018 Graduation Show for Department of Fashion Design and Merchandising
Shih Chien University
Facebook粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/2018comeon/
系所官網 https://b780708.wixsite.com/fdmkhusc
2018 C'M。N 畢業展演
「C'M。N」 (come on)
你我他 存在於__

▎展出資訊  ▎

地點:新光三越高雄左營館 10F國際展演中心

時間:04/21(六) 決賽、04/22(日) 表演場
地點:新光三越高雄左營館 10F國際展演中心

◆2018 青春設計節
地點:駁二藝術特區 7號倉庫 (誠品對面)

▎贊助公關聯絡人  ▎
公關組 / 蕭伃琁
連絡電話 / 0975-008-723
聯絡信箱 / 2018comeon@gmail.com
The Department of Fashion Design and Merchandising was founded in 1998 and is located in the Neimen and Lingya Districts of Kaoshiung City. It combines lake and mountain scenery with a metropolitan setting. The Lecturers are professional, passionate, dedicated and devoted. The Students are lively, independent and well- mannered. They learn from each other and overcome difficulties through friendship in this beautiful environment. We are working hard to exquisitely develop this department.
Education objective :
to design art, humanities life management, to produce fashion design and management marketing professionals. To enrich the students both physically and mentally and help them to properly plan their futures. To create a graceful and prosperous society
Education features :
  1. Features in accordance with clothing industry innovation research, development, and management marketing. Matching up the needs of the marketplace with current social trends.
  2. Features in combining design and management, offering professional consultation, creating ideas, developing a global understanding and the ethics and morals of the industry.
Education goals:
  1. To teach students multicultural and creative knowledge.
  2. To teach students specialized knowledge and professional manners.
  3. To develop new talent in the fashion design and management marketing fields.
Curriculum plan:
Advanced classes combining these key points- Design, development, business, management, marketing. Teaching students the basic accomplishments of continuing to learn and further the understanding of their duties and disciplines. Working step by step to develop seven core abilities:
  1. Creative design ability
  2. Management marketing ability
  3. International and marketing adaptation ability
  4. Professional technique ability
  5. Humanities aesthetics ability
  6. Information application ability
  7. Group cooperation and communication abilities
Preparing the students for the practical outcomes of starting careers in the future.
Three educational directions:
  1. Develop new talent
  2. Combine marketing and learning
  3. Observe global trends
Preparing the students for the practical outcomes of starting careers in the future.
Five educational themes:
  1. Creating innovation
  2. Multiculturalism
  3. Professionalism
  4. Looking towards the future
  5. Achieving excellence
Design your mind, Merchandise your life
We Make You In Trend.In Profession.In Attitude